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Episode 347 - No Eternity In Gold by Like Moths To Flames Album Review / 2020 US Election Episode

 What an insane last four years week it's been here in the United States, eh?! We just got through a pretty historical Presidential Election here in this country and as two people who, although identify on the sidelines and the fringes of American political system, still have some pretty complex thoughts and questions about the mess our country has been in for a while. So we set some time aside on this week's episode to process those thoughts with one another as well as share our hopes going forward. So we at least hope that you find the first part of this podcast somewhat productive in what we had to say and share.

But still, there was an album that we've been looking forward to since its announcement and that's 'No Eternity In Gold' by Like Moths To Flames - a band that's been slowly growing in our interests over the last couple of years. This album is one of the last big releases that we'll be tackling for this year before we prepare for our end of the year discussions in the coming weeks, so we hope you'll join us and follow along and take a gander at where this album might fall for us in our lists.

Also this week, we've got new music coming down the pipeline from The Network (a band that is OBVIOUSLY not Green Day); System of a Down released their first new music in 15 years; and Adam shares his thoughts on the new albums from I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, Everything In Slow Motion, American Football, and PUP!

Once again, we have another new music spotlight from a band who was nice enough to reach out to us. They're called The Slime and they're from Toronto, Canada. They're a unique blend of thrash-punk with a bit of a sludgy stoner hardcore tinge. It's admittedly a bit outside of the realm of what we normally listen to on this show, but if we do say so ourselves, it was quite a surprise at how awesome their music was! On this week's episode, we'll be sharing their new upcoming single "The Day The Earth Stood Still" off of their EP 'Coming To An Alley Near You' which releases in December. Be sure to check out their website and their past music to hear more! Please enjoy!

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